Tesla will reportedly pause production of Model S and Model X for 18 days

According to several reports, Tesla is allegedly stopping their Model S and Model X for 18 days. CNBC has allegedly obtained an internal Tesla email revealing that the automaker will shut down production for the Model S and Model X between December 24th and January 11th, or 18 days.

Furthermore, the memo also apparently mentions a higher demand than usual for Tesla models. It it also not unusual for Tesla to pause manufacturing for a short time while it works to improve its production line.

Workers will reportedly get a full week’s pay, a few paid holidays and “limited paid opportunities” to work with other teams. Since Tesla doesn’t have a press department anymore, there is no official word from the company.

Tesla aims to deliver a record 500,000 vehicles as part of its end-of-year goals. In the third quarter of 2020, Tesla produced 145,000 vehicles and delivered 139,300. Tesla produced just under 17,000 Model S and X SUVs, delivering 15,200 units.

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